The most powerful way in which you can now identify yourself with Christ as a believer is through water baptism.
What is Baptism?
Baptism in water is an act of obedience through which believers publicly express their faith and commitment to Christ.
The word baptism comes from the Greek word baptizo which means to be fully immersed in water. Through baptism the new believer identifies with the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The water signified a grave and is symbolic of the death of the old sin nature and resurrection into a new life and walk with Christ. (Romans 6:1-6)
The new believer positions themself within the kingdom of God (1 Cor 10:1-4) just as the children of Israel were set free from Egypt and Pharaoh as they moved through the Red Sea. In the same way those who are baptised in Christ, are set free from the grip of the devil and the influence of the kingdom of darkness.
Who must be baptised?
He who believes and is baptized will be saved
Mark 16:16
This scripture shows us that all believers must be baptised. (Acts 8:12, 36-37)
In Matthew 28:19 the Greek translation says “As you are going, teaching and baptizing, make disciples.”
We have a common to be baptised the moment we are born again by the Spirit of God.
Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized.
Acts 2:38
What are the requirements?
Repentance (Acts 2:38)
Faith (Mark 16:16, Acts 16:31)
Confession of faith (Matt 28:19)
A good conscience (1 Pet 3:21)
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Why in Water and Full Immersion?
The church was commanded by Jesus Christ to make disciples ( followers of Jesus with the purpose of becoming like Him) and to baptise them in water.
Death: We take up our cross to follow Jesus. (luke 9:23-24, Gal 2:20)
Funeral: We are therefore buried with Him through baptism into His death. (Rom 6:4, Col 2:12)
Resurrection: We live in His resurrection power and will one day also experience how our mortal bodies are glorified. (Rom 6:4-5, Col 2:12-13, Rom 8:11)
When should I be baptised?
When you repent and turn away from your sin and place your faith in Jesus Christ alone.
It is commanded of God (Matt 28:19, Mark 16:16)
Matt 3:15 – We follow the example of Jesus
acts 2:37-38 – The apostles taught it
Jesus set the example by being baptised himself (Mark 1:9-11)
During Jesus’ baptism the heavens were opened over His life, the Holy Spirit came upon Him and God the Father approved of Him.
Does it need to be public?
Baptism is a public testimony. The believer declares that the old self is dead and buried and that they are united with Christ in His resurrection. The believer come up out of the water, into new life.
If you haven’t been baptised do not delay. You do not have to feel ready. You just need to be obedient.