Serving in a ministry in 2025 Everyone has room to grow as a follower of Christ. Serving is one of the most amazing ways to grow, to learn to work in a team and to see how God wants to use you in His Kingdom! This is also a great way to discover what you are...
Where there is no vision, the people perish:Proverbs 29:18 The Vision of the Leader is our first course offered this year as part of Bible School on Wheels. Whether you’re looking to sharpen your leadership skills, grow spiritually, or simply be inspired,...
Our Compassion Ministry serves widows, orphans and those who are poor and needy in our city. We are inviting you to join us for our 2025 launch meeting. The aim of the meeting is to identify areas of need and together find ways to address those needs as well as plan...
Our vision: Expanding and serving the kingdom of God in the business domain. Our Mission:To equip and facilitate the body of Christ to build kingdom businesses based on the Word of God, to build relationships and establish a forum for exchanging wisdom and resources....